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Support & Donate

Our ministry is funded mainly by donations from people like you.


We would be very grateful if you consider partnering with us to reach people with the good news of Jesus.

There are several ways you can partner with us:

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We truly believe that prayer can change the world. Therefore, we are very thankful for those who faithfully pray for us. Be a part of our prayer team. Also we would love to get to know your prayer requests and pray for you. Just get in contact with us here.

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For full-time missionaries it is truly valuable to experience the friendship and support of people outside the ministry. Simple things like visits, encouraging letters, invitations to grab coffee, cake, etc. can work wonders in the sometimes hard daily routines of mission work.

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Practical Help

Sports, music, graphic design, computer knowledge, web programming, accounting, etc.

All of these talents and gifts are very valuable for our ministry.

We would be very happy if you would like to use your gifts here at YWAM Austria.

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There are some ways to give.

Material: computers, laptops, design software, office items, furniture, relaxing days for a staff member, etc.

Financial: one-time or monthly donation.

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We would love to come to your church, community, fellowship or youth group to talk about God and what he is doing around the world. Just send us a message and we will try to serve you and your environment at our best.

International bank transfer details:


Bank account number (IBAN): AT233200000002937993


Name of bank account: JMEM Österreich

Address of account: Felbigergasse 3/2/21, 1140 Wien, Austria

Name of bank: Raiffeisenlandesbank Niederösterreich-Wien

Address of bank: F.-W.-Raiffeisen-Platz 1, 1020 Wien, AUSTRIA

Reason for transfer: Donation

Donate on Paypal:

(Send your donation in the Paypal-App as a gift, so Paypal does not charge us a transaction fee)

or here:

Donate via Wise:


If you want to donate via Wise, please get in touch with us.
Thank you 😊

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